Geographical survey of electronic communications networks
Landline networks
Click one of the headings below
How does the search for detailed information work ?
The « map zoom » function allows you to adjust the level of granularity. To get more detailed information, you can either click on a municipality, a grid or address or use the search bar to look for a specific address.
How does the window with detailed information work ?
You can either click on a municipality, a grid, or an address to display in a dialog window with detailed information.
What does Very High Capacity Network « VHCN » mean ?
The abbreviation « VHCN » – Very High Capacity Network, refers to a Network capacity using DOCSIS or optical fiber technology.
What is the colour code of the legend?
The colour code represents the coverage rate by municipality and by grid. The coverage rate is defined as followed:
| 0.1% – 30.0% |
30.1% – 50.0% | |
50.1% – 70.0% | |
70.1% – 80.0% | |
80.1% – 85.0% | |
85.1% – 90.0% | |
90.1% – 95.0% | |
95.1% – 100.0% |
What about the cabling inside my building or home/premises?
The internal cabling of a home or premises or the vertical cabling of a building with several apartments is not considered in the mapping tool. This cabling is in the private part of each building.
Which operator can provide an electronic communications service at an address?
Electronic communications services provided through a network are not exclusively offered by the operator that has deployed a network at a specific location. The consumer is free the choose his service operator. [ILR_Registre-opérateurs]
The ILR uses the « premise passed » approach while establishing its fixed network maps. What does this mean?
The ILR considers a building is connected to the optical fiber or CATV/DOCSIS network when the optical fiber is already or will be available in a building within four weeks. The mapping tool does not provide information on activated fiber optic lines or vertical cabling inside a building.
How do I navigate on the mobile/fixed networks map?
For the usage of the map, it is recommended to use filters to obtain the expected results. More precisely, you can select the level of granularity (zoom function: municipalities, grid 1km x 1km, addresses) to display the coverage by technology (DOCSIS, optical fiber and very high-capacity networks – VHCN).
Specifically, you can select the network technology (2G, 3G, 4G or 5G), then the desired speed per grid for a given technology (all providers combined), or you select a specific mobile operator and search for the service quality provided.
The coverage (technology/quality of service) is illustrated by grid of 100m x 100m.
Where does the data come from?
The data used to create the different coverage maps is provided by the main fixed network operators Eltrona SA and POST Luxembourg. Coverage maps of regional or local operators will be available in future publications. The addresses illustrated in the maps are taken from the official inventory of addresses made available by the “Land Registry and Topography Administration”.