What is the ILR

The “Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation” (ILR) was founded in 1997 as the telecommunications market was being liberalised. In 2000, the ILT became the ILR as a result of the expansion of competences with the regulation of the electrical and postal service markets.
The ILR guarantees and supervises, in the consumer’s interests, the smooth running of the markets on the basis of effective and sustainable competition, while guaranteeing a basic universal service.
The ILR is an independent authority, in charge of regulating electronic communications networks and services, the transport and distribution of electricity and gas, the postal services, the rail network, and airport charges. The ILR also manages and coordinates radio-electric frequencies. Since 2019, ILR has also been the sole point of contact for Luxembourg and the authority competent for network and computer system security of the following sectors, in particular: energy, transport, healthcare, the supply and distribution of drinking water, digital infrastructure, and digital services.
Among other, the Institute has a regulatory power for the sectors under its supervision.
It also has the power to impose administrative sanctions against companies which do not comply with the legislation in force.
To find out more about what the ILR does, go to: www.ilr.lu